Thursday, March 5, 2015

VMware vSphere Client for Mac!?

Edit: Check out the new ESXi HTML 5 Embedded Host Client here, also included in ESXi 6.0u2! (3/24/2016)

I found this little nugget on YouTube while researching ESXi 6.0. A beta tester recorded the installation of ESXi 6.0 beta and when they went to the vSphere Client download page I was shocked to see something called "vSphere Host Client Installer for Mac".

After looking into this a little further I discovered that it was only available on a specific beta release, VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0-1921158.x86_64.iso to be exact. I obtained a copy, through the magic that is Google search, and created a ESXi 6.0.0-1921158 VM in Fusion so that I could get the installer links.

The ESXi welcome page includes the following two links to the vSphere Host Client Installers:

Edit: Links are no longer valid (6/24/2015)

I downloaded and installed the VMware Host Client and was able to connect to the 6.0.0-1921158 beta host and to my 5.5u2 lab host.


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  3. Do you still have that client lying around?

  4. You got an idea where to find the client now? I would love to administrate my esxi from osx? Thanks!
